
Ark is partnered with OGM Technical Institute PL which is an Australian based training and placement company with a wholly owned subsidiary in India.
Ark Offices are located in Vedraniyam, Tamilnadu, India and OGM is in New Delhi India with its parent company in Perth Australia.

Our Service

Ark and OGM partner to identify, train and place construction and engineering workforce individuals from India to domestic and international job opportunities.

Our process is one of reverse matching whereby we firstly understand our domestic and international client requirements based on skills and experience need and also aligned to package offer to the employee. Once we understand the placement requirement we use our existing pool of potential employees as well as our networks to identify suitable candidates for presentation by CV and video interview for selection.

Where there are skills gaps ARK & OGM deliver training both through our facilities as well as through third parties.

Since commencement we have trained and placed more than 2,000 workers both in India and internationally including to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. These include engineers to skilled workers and laborers.